The going to be first beggar free city in India – Bareli

India has grappled with the pervasive issue of rampant begging, a deeply entrenched social problem that affects the country’s urban and rural areas alike. The sight of impoverished individuals, including children and elderly, pleading for alms on busy streets, markets, and religious sites, is distressingly common. Rooted in a complex interplay of poverty, unemployment, lack of social support, and limited access to education and healthcare, begging in India reflects the stark socioeconomic disparities and challenges faced by marginalized communities. While various government and non-governmental initiatives strive to address this distressing phenomenon, the sheer scale and complexity of the issue continue to demand sustained efforts to provide vulnerable populations with viable alternatives and support systems.

During my all India cycle tour, I had the incredible opportunity to encounter an inspiring NGO dedicated to eradicating begging in an entire city. Founded as Team Pahal, this organization began with a group of passionate individuals united by a common cause: serving the underprivileged. Their unwavering motivation continues to drive them as they work tirelessly to make a difference. I learned that their success is rooted in well-defined core ideologies, selflessness, and collaborative team efforts, with each member sharing similar principles. Describing the sheer brilliance and dynamic essence of this organization is a daunting task, as their good deeds surpass any praise I can offer. Nevertheless, I will attempt to encapsulate their remarkable work in this article.

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First begger free city in India
Team Pahal logo

The inception

Team Pahal came into existence five years ago when Tarun Bhavusa, a compassionate individual, spotted a beggar shivering from cold on a chilly night. Determined to make a difference, Tarun and his friends decided to collect unused clothes from people willing to donate and distribute them to the needy on the streets. As more like-minded individuals joined their cause, the group grew, and their mission expanded to providing food to those in need, utilizing excess and wasted resources from various places.

With their bond growing stronger for the common cause, the team envisioned an old age home to rehabilitate beggars from the streets. Seizing the opportunity to utilize unused PWD land in the city, they acquired the space with the government’s support and set up an office to aid the underprivileged. In a small section of the office, beggars were offered shelter and care.

Over time, the organization’s impact multiplied, and they garnered support from the entire city, which came together to fund their initiatives. Today, their efforts have reached a new milestone, with a larger space being developed to accommodate street beggars within their building. Team Pahal’s journey has been one of growth, unity, and positive change, proving the incredible power of collective compassion and action.

First begger free city in India
Team pahal office. Currently work is going on to make the place more accomdative for the needy.

Helping the underprivileged is the motto

Since its inception, Team Pahal has remained steadfast in its core principles of helping the underprivileged and deserving individuals achieve a better life. Along the way, they have undertaken a myriad of projects, earning them a prominent position within Bareli, Madhya Pradesh. In fact, the organization’s influence has become so significant that the city is now synonymous with Team Pahal.

Led by 15 to 20 dedicated core members, supported by around 100 active participants, and with over 700 registrants, Team Pahal’s impact on society has been remarkable. The organization’s growth and contributions are listed below in chronological order:

First begger free city in India
All the activities carried out by Team Pahal in chronological order since it’s inception

Clothing Distribution:

Team Pahal started by providing clothes to the impoverished on the streets, ensuring warmth and comfort for those in need.

Food Redistribution:

They collect surplus food from various establishments and distribute it to the underprivileged, reducing food wastage and alleviating hunger.

Old Age Home:

Their established old age home currently accommodates over 30 people, with plans to expand and improve the facilities.

Education Support:

The organization offers education to children who cannot afford schooling, empowering them with knowledge and support.

Blood Donation Drive:

Team Pahal actively participates in blood donation drives, partnering with hospitals and organizations to save lives.

Disaster Relief:

During major disasters, they extend a helping hand to the poor, including rescuing animals and assisting those affected.

Free Tiffin Facility:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, they provided food to around 800-900 households, including migrants and anyone in need.

Funeral Rites Assistance:

Team Pahal helps those who canjnot afford funeral expenses, ensuring dignified last rites for their loved ones.

Plantation Campaign:

They promote a greener city through tree sapling distribution, encouraging people to nurture and share their efforts.

Health Care Campaign:

Regular free health checkups are organized for the underprivileged, prioritizing their well-being.

Marriage Support:

Underprivileged individuals facing financial difficulties for marriage receive assistance from the organization.

Oxygen Cylinder and Dead Body Freezer Facility:

During COVID-19, they provided oxygen cylinders and preserved bodies for dignified last rites, a service they continue to offer during unfortunate circumstances.

Cleanliness Campaign:

They regularly clean the Narmada river stretch, fostering environmental responsibility.

Beggar Free Campaign:

Team Pahal actively works to make the city beggar-free, providing food and shelter to those seeking help without discrimination.

Rescue Cows:

Their latest initiative involves rescuing injured cows from road accidents, aiming to establish a veterinary hospital in the future for better care.

Team Pahal’s relentless dedication to humanitarian causes has transformed the lives of countless individuals, earning them recognition as a beacon of hope in Bareli, Madhya Pradesh. Their vision for a better future continues to inspire and uplift the community, making a profound impact on society.

Looking ahead, Team Pahal has ambitious plans to open a veterinary hospital dedicated to rescuing and caring for cows affected by road accidents in the city. Madhya Pradesh, with its significant population of stray cows, witnesses several unfortunate incidents daily, leaving injured animals to suffer by the roadside. The organization recognizes the urgency and importance of addressing this issue.

Core principles

The organization’s functioning left me astounded. There are no designated titles like organizers, heads, owners, or managers. Instead, every member freely contributes ideas, discusses them with the team, and assumes roles accordingly. The initiative to save injured cows stemmed from Raju Soni, a team member, who responded to a call about an injured cow, armed with his own medical kit. This impromptu act ignited a dedicated cow rescue mission, with 3 to 4 members tirelessly attending to emergency calls round the clock. Today, Team Pahal is well-versed in administering painkillers, performing operations, and even delivering cows when necessary.

The entire city knows they can rely on Team Pahal for help with injured cows or beggars on the streets. Their commitment knows no bounds, as every member remains active 24/7, keeping their phones on at all times, exemplifying their motto: “anywhere, anytime.”

Moreover, what sets this organization apart is the mindset of its core members. Their purpose is crystal clear – to help the needy, with everything else being immaterial. They gather every night to brainstorm ways for better implementations, sharing the responsibility of physical labor, keeping the premises clean, caring for the elderly, and even lifting injured cows. Despite receiving numerous awards, they now decline further recognition, determined not to be sidetracked by unnecessary desires. Any accolades they receive are dedicated solely to Team Pahal, without highlighting any individual.

With an unwavering commitment to equality, they treat every member equally, encouraging everyone to perform to their utmost potential. These cohesive principles have shaped Team Pahal into an exceptional organization. Despite their strong ethical values, they remain open to learning and improvement, continuously seeking advice for better ways to serve the community. Their selfless nature and aversion to self-praise speak volumes about their genuine intent, best summed up by one of them, “We are not here for personal fame; we want to help in any way possible.”


After learning about the incredible work at the organization, I inquired about any challenges they faced. While there were no major complaints, they did highlight some hurdles. As a non-governmental organization, they chose not to seek government assistance due to the extensive paperwork and commissions involved. Instead, they relied on contributions from willing citizens who saw the organization as their own.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, they received an overwhelming 200 to 250 calls per day requesting help, making it difficult to filter out genuine cases. The deserving ones often hesitated to ask for aid due to lack of education. Moreover, people from outside their jurisdiction sought assistance, leading to limitations and occasional misunderstandings.

They also mentioned that around 20% of beggars continue despite being offered help, as begging becomes a source of income for them. However, the city’s collective effort to redirect beggars to the organization has the potential to make Bareli the first beggar-free city in India.

Spending time with the organization was a truly fulfilling experience. Attending the birthday celebration of a core member was heartwarming, as they honored the occasion in a traditional way, gifting a holy book and sharing kind words about the celebrant. For other residents, celebrating their birthdays meant feeding the poor living in the ashram.

The experience was overwhelming, as this NGO was unlike any other. In Maharashtra, another organization addresses removing psychologically ill individuals living on the streets. To learn more about their work, read this article.

8 thoughts on “The going to be first beggar free city in India – Bareli”

  1. Tam Pahal Bareli NGO is a commendable organization dedicated to uplifting the community and empowering individuals. Their unwavering commitment to social causes and their tireless efforts to bring about positive change are truly inspiring. Tam Pahal Bareli NGO’s impact on the lives of the underprivileged is immeasurable, providing education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities to those in need. Their transparent and efficient management of resources ensures that every penny donated is utilized for maximum impact. The organization’s dedication, integrity, and transformative initiatives make it a valuable asset to society. Tam Pahal Bareli NGO is a shining example of compassion, empathy, and social responsibility, deserving high recognition and support.

  2. Sandeep Choubey

    टीम पहल की बराबरी किसी भी प्रकार की संस्था नहीं कर सकती चाहे वह प्राइवेट हो या सरकारी हो टीम पहल एक विश्वसनीय संस्था बरेली नगर को गोरांबित करती है पहल टीम का बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद।

  3. टीम पहल एक विश्वसनीय संस्था जिसका उद्देश्य गरीब असहाय लोगों की मदद करना है
    टीम पहल की बराबरी नाही किसी प्रकार की सरकारी संस्था और ना प्राइवेट संस्था एनजीओ टीम पहल की बराबरी नहीं कर सकती टीम पहल के जितने भी सदस्य हैं सभी भावपूर्ण व्यक्ति हैं सभी वर्ग के साथ मिलजुल कर सुख दुख में अपना सहयोग समर्पण भाप से करते हैं टीम पहल को मैं ह्रदय से धन्यवाद करता हूं जहां मेरी मदद लगे मुझे भी अवगत कराएं जय सियाराम

  4. Sandeep Choubey

    टीम पहल किसी भी कार्य को करने में लग जाती है तो वह उस कार्य को सफलतापूर्वक करके ही निश्चय करती है टीम पहल बरेली नगर को मध्य प्रदेश मैं गौरवान्वित करती है टीम पहल की बराबरी किसी भी प्रकार की सरकारी या प्राइवेट संस्था नहीं कर सकती टीम पहल का मैं हृदय से धन्यवाद आभार व्यक्त करता हूं

  5. सुमित भार्गव

    टीम पहल एक ऐसा विचार है जो समाज को बदल रहा है। संपूर्ण टीम पर बरेली नगरवासियों को गर्व है।

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